Australian Tanks products are now available in Storm Updated, a suite of free online tools to support consultants in stormwater quality modelling, quantity modelling, design and reporting. Storm Updated is readily accessible on any web browser and allows consultants to easily create MUSIC models and/or perform OSD calculations.

Designed with consultants in mind.
The MUSIC model creator allows consultants fast and easy access to all the Australian Tanks’ design details and drawings.
Integrating and specifying Australian Tanks drawings and designs in the Civil Engineering package becomes a breeze. The user experience and quality of information saves you time and ensures high-quality work as errors will become almost impossible to make. Storm Updated is designed for consultants to create better quality models faster with less effort – what’s not to like?
Create MUSIC models online & instantly generate WSUD reports.
Information on Australian Tanks is readily available in the design interface including links to various products & standard drawings. The WSUD report is automatically generated and accepted in all regions where MUSIC is accepted. In addition, the report provides:
- Pollutant reduction results
- Screenshot of treatment train
- Links to manufacturer’s standard drawings and technical documents
Consultants can easily integrate and specify Australian Tanks products with a variety of stormwater treatment measures such as: bio-retentions, sediment basins & gross-pollutant traps to create a complete MUSIC model that supports any stormwater management plan.
The modelling interface allows consultants to view a summary of treatment performance at various points, making optimisation of treatment trains much more efficient.
Create MUSIC models online & instantly generate WSUD reports.
The available tools allow users to calculate OSD requirements using a variety of methods such as:- Rational (QUDM)
- Boyd’s (QUDM)
- Swinburne
- Upper Paramatta Catchment Method.
For each method; the 2016 IFD data is obtained automatically from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website based on the project’s address and an OSD report is automatically generated, showing intermediate calculations and results. Australian Tanks is easily specified for OSD requirements with their standard drawings and technical documents readily available in the OSD report that is generated via Storm Updated.
Contact us today for more information or a walkthrough of the Storm Updated user interface.